Trademark Registration
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Trademark Registration
The competitive business environment of the modern day poses hurdles and hassles in different forms. Duplication of brand names, substitute products and even replication of product or service names is a common practice. Protection of your brand, product or service and having sole copyright of the names ensure a competitive edge in the market.
Consumers identify and connect with your product and brands primarily with the names.A trademark sign stands as a design, mark that signifies a particular product and is legally registered. It falls under the category of intellectual property rights.
It is essential for a company to trademark their brands and brand names to avoid duplicity and future legal complications arising out of the same.
Under the Intellectual Property Law, the Trade Mark in the UAE is registered under the UAE Federal Law No. 37 of 1992.
CORPIN Consultants offers trademark registrations as part of the incorporation process. Our team helps you identify the importance of trademark registration, the legal and compliance aspects concerning the same and support in the process of registration of trademark to ensure successful functioning of your business.
Why choose us?
- Experienced Team
- 100% Accuracy
- Quick Turnaround Time
- Cost-Effective
- Guaranteed Tax Saving
For more information on our accounting and bookkeeping services in UAE, please contact us at +971558432911 or We would love to have a word with you and offer a customized solution for your accounting requirements.
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